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Global League Tables

Global league tables: 2022 Annual

PitchBook’s 2022 Annual Global League Tables in full are below, presented in an interactive format.

PitchBook's 2022 Annual Global League Tables in full are below, presented in an interactive format. You can click on firm names to take a deeper dive into a firm's public PitchBook profile and explore their top-line stats. (As only public PitchBook profiles are available, we recommend clients log in to their account after identifying the firms they wish to review in order to view firms' full activity.) 

Please note that we will maintain these rankings as evergreen so as to preserve a historical record of this quarter's activity—we will note if an update should have to occur due to any error on this page as well.


Methodology: For the geographical breakouts, all relevant deal types are included in the underlying deals, e.g., for PE firms, the regional rankings are based on all PE deal types as defined by PitchBook, whereas for VC firms' rankings, all regional rankings and overall tallies are based on all VC deal types as defined by PitchBook. When specific deal types are broken out in rankings, i.e. on the deal types and exits tabs, that is the only exception to all deal types being included and forming the basis of the rankings. Unless otherwise noted, all eligible deals align with existing PitchBook report methodologies, which can be found here. For example, the buyouts ranking for investment banks only considers all PitchBook deal types classified as buyouts, and also aligns with how buyouts are defined in the US PE Breakdown section on that report methodologies page. PE- and VC-backed acquisitions differ from buyouts in that they are acquisitions made by companies that are currently either PE-backed or VC-backed. 

PitchBook would like to express significant appreciation for each edition of the Global League Tables, particularly the annual edition, to the following PitchBook team members: Erin Doherty, Miranda Herrera, Marina Paredes, Madison Bond, John Moore, Michael Schmiedel, Matteo Madrigali, Jordan Rubio, Mike Abu, Alex Warfel, Matthew Nacionales, Martin Pearce, Rozalia Lis, Benvindo Paulo and the Mumbai Primary Entry Team.

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    About Jordan Rubio
    Jordan Rubio is a Seattle-based data visualizations editor at PitchBook. He previously worked at the Houston Chronicle as a data journalist and at the Victoria Advocate as a digital editor. A native of Jacksonville, Fla., Rubio graduated from TCU.
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