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Lending League Tables

Lending league tables: 2022 annual

PitchBook’s 2022 Annual Interactive PE Lending League Tables are now available, presented in an interactive format for greater accessibility and context.

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    The rankings of the most active lenders in PE for 2022 are now available. You can click on firm names to take a deeper dive into a firm's public PitchBook profile and explore their top-line stats. (As only public PitchBook profiles are available, we recommend clients log in to their account after identifying the firms they wish to review in order to view firms' full activity.) 

    Last but not least, as a reminder, recently we broadened the scope of these rankings, including transactions with European companies, as well as changing the methodology to include additional agent types. (The table that outlines select roles in transactions includes the following roles: bookrunners, lead arrangers, mandated lead arrangers and agents only.)

    Please note that we will maintain these rankings as evergreen so as to preserve a historical record of this quarter's activity—we will note if an update should have to occur due to any error on this page as well. 

    Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any inquiries as to how to submit your relevant transactions for consideration, or if you have any other specific questions pertaining to the tables below. (*Note: Select roles comprise only the following: bookrunners, lead arrangers, mandated lead arrangers, and all types of agents that are specifically listed within PitchBook, excepting documentation and syndication agents that are still being explored for potential future inclusion.) PitchBook would like to express significant appreciation for each edition of the Lending League Tables, particularly the annual edition, to the following PitchBook team members: Teresa Furlong, Marina Parades, Martin Pearce, Michael Schmiedel, Rozalia Lis, Kate Rainey, Matteo Madrigali, Peter Bonilla, Jordan Rubio, Alex Warfel, Matthew Nacionales, the Mumbai Primary Entry Team and Michael Abu.

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      About Jordan Rubio
      Jordan Rubio is a Seattle-based data visualizations editor at PitchBook. He previously worked at the Houston Chronicle as a data journalist and at the Victoria Advocate as a digital editor. A native of Jacksonville, Fla., Rubio graduated from TCU.
    • garrett-black.jpg
      Garrett James Black, CAIA is a manager at PitchBook, leading a team of analysts focused on custom research and partner insights. The custom research team of analysts and project managers focuses on developing custom content with clients and partners, creating bespoke analysis of key segments grounded in PitchBook private markets datasets. Garrett also works with clients directly on key research projects such as the flagship KPMG Venture Pulse series, the Deloitte Road to Next series, bank venture ecosystem market reviews (including Bridge Bank, Citi and Wells Fargo), unique methodologies to identify new sectors and slices of private markets, and deep dives into cutting-edge technical innovation in fields such as agtech and nanomaterials.
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