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University Rankings

PitchBook Universities: 2020

The latest rankings for the university programs that produce the most entrepreneurs that go on to garner venture funding are now available, in our new format debuted last year.

Read the 2022 PitchBook university rankings here.

The latest 2020 rankings for the university programs that produce the most entrepreneurs that go on to garner venture funding are now available, in the new format that debuted last year. All of our most popular rankings, right before the new school year, are below, broken out by undergraduate, MBA and more. In addition, we have produced a summary XLS of the lists for easier download and utility. We recommend downloading the full XLS if you wish to consult the rankings multiple times, as the interactive tables will be gated for their initial launch. You can download the full XLS by clicking here.

We understand this is a brand-new, novel format for our rankings, so if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected]. As for methodology, we tracked founders of companies that received a first round of venture funding between Jan. 1, 2006, and Aug. 31, 2020. All rankings are based on data solely within that timeframe.

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