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Q2 2020 Interactive Global League Tables

PitchBook’s Q2 2020 Global League Tables in full are below, presented in an interactive format for the second time ever. At PitchBook, we always strive to find new and hopefully better ways to present useful data, so we have created an interactive set of tables so you can more easily navigate the full rankings or find the specific table you want more swiftly.

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    PitchBook's Q2 2020 Global League Tables in full are below, presented in an interactive format for the second time ever. At PitchBook, we always strive to find new and hopefully better ways to present useful data, so we have created an interactive set of tables so you can more easily navigate the full rankings or find the specific table you want more swiftly.

    In addition, you can click on firm names to take a deeper dive into a firm's public PitchBook profile and explore their top-line stats. (As only public PitchBook profiles are available, we recommend clients log in to their account after identifying the firms they wish to review in order to view firms' full activity.) Otherwise, the full rankings as we usually present are here for your perusal, from the most active VCs by US region to the most active law firms in private equity buyouts to the most prolific PE firms when it comes to add-ons. One new table was added based on user feedback: a combined ranking of overall law firm activity across PE, VC and M&A transactions, by region.

    Please note that we will maintain these rankings as an evergreen ranking so as to preserve a historical record of this quarter's activity—we will note if an update should have to occur due to any error on this page as well. (Note: We are still exploring the best method of offering export capability that accounts for any future updates.)

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