May 22, 2023
Uncle Sam’s defense tech checkbook
With rising geopolitical tensions and government acquisition reforms, investment in defense tech is on track to surge to nearly $185 billion by 2027. Our 2023 Vertical Snapshot: Defense Tech report dives into the industry drivers and the startups poised for liftoff.
Key takeaways include:
Executive summary | 3 |
Introduction | 4 |
Defense innovation ecosystem | 5 |
DoD innovation organizations | 5 |
A variety of funding options | 8 |
The Office of Strategic Capital | 10 |
Challenges | 10 |
Go-to-market strategies for startups | 11 |
Defense tech timeline | 12 |
Industry drivers | 17 |
Outlook | 19 |
Defense tech taxonomy | 20 |
Defense tech market map | 26 |
Market size | 28 |
VC activity | 29 |
Key players | 34 |
Key deals and contracts | 43 |
Recommended reads | 45 |