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PitchBook Fintech Analyst Note: ICOs

3Q 2017

PitchBook Fintech Analyst Note: ICOs

July 21, 2017

Technological developments move very swiftly nowadays, but even compared to the typical rush, the surge in initial coin offerings (ICOs) has been remarkable. But almost as quickly, a corresponding boom in media coverage ranging from the critical to the purely analytical has followed. In the latest fintech research note from PitchBook, the ICO phenomenon is analyzed in depth, with its history, the mechanics of offerings and long-term viability addressed in turn.

Key takeaways & highlights: 

  • As they eclipse $1 billion in total amount raised as of early July 2017, it is clear the alluring features of ICOs could result in them being more than just a recent fad
  • In the note, PitchBook analysts detail the mechanics of ICOs, tracing how they developed from the earliest protocols for peer-to-peer networks validated by the blockchain
  • Notable recent ICOs are profiled, along with detailed explanations of the concepts powering the offerings