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PitchBook Analyst Note: The Digital Therapeutics Revolution

Q3 2020

PitchBook Analyst Note: The Digital Therapeutics Revolution

September 11, 2020

Emerging digital therapeutics (DTx) represent a category of products and services that relies on software and data to provide health treatments. DTx technologies promise to help close the gap with traditional therapeutics by providing data-driven treatments that are scalable, easy to manage, and efficiently monitored and adjusted in real-time, thus providing more patient-centric approaches to healthcare. While distinct from pure-play adherence, diagnostic, and telehealth products, they may incorporate similar features such as the ability to integrate with mobile health applications, electronic prescribing systems, medical records platforms, and biometric devices. They may also provide complementary diagnostic or adherence interventions and remote intervention delivery. Moreover, DTx are attracting significant VC investment, and we expect the number of companies developing DTx to continue to grow at a rapid pace.