Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers Overview
- Service
Law Firm
- Year Founded
- Employees
- Serviced Companies
- Serviced Investors
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers General Information
Founded in 2003, Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan is an independent Papua New Guinea-based commercial law firm advising a wide range of investors, institutions, and governments in Papua New Guinea. The firm's major areas of expertise include corporate and commercial advisory, public companies, banking and finance, energy and resources, taxation, construction, property and infrastructure, intellectual property, and government work.
Contact Information
www.llls.com.pgYear Founded
Corporate Office
- Level 5 - MRDC Haus
- Cnr Musgrave Street & Champion Parade
- Port Moresby, National Capital District
- Papua New Guinea
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers Services to Investors
Service on a Deal — Buy Side (1)
Investor Name | Service Provided | Deal Date | Deal Type | Deal Amount |
Sime Darby Plantation | Legal Advisor | Mar 2015 | 00000 | 0000000 |
Service on a Deal — Sell Side (1)
Investor Name | Service Provided | Deal Date | Deal Type | Deal Amount |
Kulim (Malaysia) | Legal Advisor | Mar 2015 | 00000 | 0000000 |
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers Investment Preferences
Preferred Industries | Preferred Verticals | Preferred Deal Types | Geographic Preferences | Transaction Amount |
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers Team (17)
Name | Title | Deals | Office |
Benard Sinen | Partner | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | |
Eunice Parua | Partner | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | |
Michael Sullivan | Partner | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | |
Peter Lowing | Partner | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | |
Gideon Pogla | Lawyer | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea |
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers FAQs
When was Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers founded?
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers was founded in 2003.
Where is Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers headquartered?
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers is headquartered in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
What is the size of Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers?
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers total number of employees/professionals is 22.
What service provider type is Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers?
Leahy Lewin Lowing Sullivan Lawyers's service provider type is Law Firm.
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