LinkedAge Overview
- Year Founded

- Status
Out of Business
- Latest Deal Type
Out of Business
LinkedAge General Information
Developer of an online platform designed to increase mobility and promote social inclusion of the elderly. The company's platform offers a website for senior people to book retirement holidays and homes around the world, enabling users to get door-to-door services and optimal health services.
Contact Information
www.linkedage.comCorporate Office
- Tehnoloski Park
- Ljubljana
- Slovenia
Corporate Office
- Tehnoloski Park
- Ljubljana
- Slovenia
LinkedAge Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Raised to Date | Post-Val | Status | Stage |
2. Out of Business | 21-May-2022 | Completed | Out of Business | |||
1. Accelerator/Incubator | 01-Jan-2014 | Completed | Generating Revenue |
LinkedAge FAQs
When was LinkedAge founded?
LinkedAge was founded in 2011.
Where is LinkedAge headquartered?
LinkedAge is headquartered in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
What industry is LinkedAge in?
LinkedAge’s primary industry is Other Restaurants, Hotels and Leisure.
Is LinkedAge a private or public company?
LinkedAge is a Private company.
What is LinkedAge’s current revenue?
The current revenue for LinkedAge is
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How much funding has LinkedAge raised over time?
LinkedAge has raised $34.3K.
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