Abreos Biosciences Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2013

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Acquired/​Merged

  • Employees
  • 6


  • Latest Deal Type
  • M&A

Abreos Biosciences General Information


Developer of peptide antigen mimetics technology designed to improve the development and commercialization of biopharmaceuticals. The company's platform is laboratory-based and point-of-care assays that enable precision dosing and counterfeit detection of biologic drugs as well as permits for direct monitoring of blood concentrations of monoclonal antibody drugs for dosage, enabling medical professionals to rapidly authenticate for counterfeit prevention and end-user confidence.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Financing Status
Formerly VC-backed
Corporate Office
  • 2223 Avenida de la Playa
  • Suite 206
  • La Jolla, CA 92037
  • United States
Primary Industry
Other Industries
Drug Delivery
Corporate Office
  • 2223 Avenida de la Playa
  • Suite 206
  • La Jolla, CA 92037
  • United States

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Abreos Biosciences Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
10. Merger/Acquisition 25-Jan-2021 Completed Generating Revenue
9. Accelerator/Incubator Completed Generating Revenue
8. Seed Round 15-Sep-2020 Completed Generating Revenue
7. Grant 01-Jan-2020 Completed Generating Revenue
6. Accelerator/Incubator 01-Jun-2017 Completed Generating Revenue
5. Seed Round 28-Jun-2016 Completed Generating Revenue
4. Seed Round 29-Mar-2016 Cancelled Generating Revenue
3. Grant 25-Sep-2015 Completed Generating Revenue
2. Grant 23-Sep-2014 $371K Completed Generating Revenue
1. Accelerator/Incubator 01-Jan-2014 Completed Generating Revenue
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Abreos Biosciences Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Developer of peptide antigen mimetics technology designed to improve the development and commercialization of biopharmac
La Jolla, CA
6 As of 2020

Centennial, CO

Rosemont, IL
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Abreos Biosciences Competitors (15)

One of Abreos Biosciences’s 15 competitors is Novus Biologicals, a Formerly PE-Backed company based in Centennial, CO.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Novus Biologicals Formerly PE-Backed Centennial, CO
Proteintech Corporation Rosemont, IL
ProSci (Poway) Private Equity-Backed Poway, CA
Vividion Therapeutics Formerly VC-backed San Diego, CA
Lycia Therapeutics Venture Capital-Backed South San Francisco, CA
You’re viewing 5 of 15 competitors. Get the full list »

Abreos Biosciences Patents

Abreos Biosciences Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
EP-4487123-A2 Methods and compositions for measuring serum analyte levels from biological matrices Pending 02-Mar-2022
US-20180291059-A1 Immunoaffinity purification of antibodies using mimetopes Inactive 04-Apr-2017
EP-3606937-A1 Immunoaffinity purification of antibodies using mimetopes Inactive 04-Apr-2017
EP-3606937-A4 Immunoaffinity purification of antibodies using mimetopes Inactive 04-Apr-2017
US-20210285959-A1 Detection and quantification of natalizumab Active 12-Aug-2016 G01N33/6854
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Abreos Biosciences Signals

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Abreos Biosciences Former Investors (11)

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds
Blackbird Ventures (La Jolla) Venture Capital Minority
Keshif Ventures Venture Capital Minority
MedTech Innovator Accelerator/Incubator
National Cancer Institute Government
National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease Government
You’re viewing 5 of 11 investors. Get the full list »

Abreos Biosciences Investments (1)

Abreos Biosciences’s most recent deal was a Joint Venture with Magnasense. The deal was made on 27-Nov-2019.

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
Magnasense 27-Nov-2019 Joint Venture Monitoring Equipment
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Abreos Biosciences FAQs

  • When was Abreos Biosciences founded?

    Abreos Biosciences was founded in 2013.

  • Where is Abreos Biosciences headquartered?

    Abreos Biosciences is headquartered in La Jolla, CA.

  • What is the size of Abreos Biosciences?

    Abreos Biosciences has 6 total employees.

  • What industry is Abreos Biosciences in?

    Abreos Biosciences’s primary industry is Biotechnology.

  • Is Abreos Biosciences a private or public company?

    Abreos Biosciences is a Private company.

  • What is Abreos Biosciences’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Abreos Biosciences is .

  • How much funding has Abreos Biosciences raised over time?

    Abreos Biosciences has raised $8.44M.

  • Who are Abreos Biosciences’s investors?

    Blackbird Ventures (La Jolla), Keshif Ventures, MedTech Innovator, National Cancer Institute, and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease are 5 of 11 investors who have invested in Abreos Biosciences.

  • Who are Abreos Biosciences’s competitors?

    Novus Biologicals, Proteintech, ProSci (Poway), Vividion Therapeutics, and Lycia Therapeutics are some of the 15 competitors of Abreos Biosciences.

  • When was Abreos Biosciences acquired?

    Abreos Biosciences was acquired on 25-Jan-2021.

  • Who acquired Abreos Biosciences?

    Abreos Biosciences was acquired by Magnasense.

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