SparkStarter Overview
- Year Founded

- Status
Out of Business
- Employees

- Latest Deal Type
Out of Business
SparkStarter General Information
Provider of an online dating application intended to make it easy for people to get connected with each other and find love. The company's online dating application works through Facebook to allow users to browse friends of friends and encourage friends to influence the match by voting up, which increases the compatibility score of the match, enabling users with a modern day application to find their suitable and desired dates nearby.
Contact Information
www.sparkstarter.comCorporate Office
- 3795 Westin Avenue
- Woodbury, MN 55125
- United States
Corporate Office
- 3795 Westin Avenue
- Woodbury, MN 55125
- United States
SparkStarter Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Raised to Date | Post-Val | Status | Stage |
2. Out of Business | 01-Feb-2017 | Completed | Out of Business | |||
1. Angel (individual) | 27-Apr-2015 | Completed | Startup |
SparkStarter Patents
SparkStarter Recent Patent Activity
Publication ID | Patent Title | Status | First Filing Date | Technology (CPC) | Citations |
US-9355358-B1 | Systems and methods for determining compatibility | Inactive | 04-May-2012 |
SparkStarter Signals
SparkStarter FAQs
When was SparkStarter founded?
SparkStarter was founded in 2013.
Where is SparkStarter headquartered?
SparkStarter is headquartered in Woodbury, MN.
What is the size of SparkStarter?
SparkStarter has 12 total employees.
What industry is SparkStarter in?
SparkStarter’s primary industry is Social/Platform Software.
Is SparkStarter a private or public company?
SparkStarter is a Private company.
What is SparkStarter’s current revenue?
The current revenue for SparkStarter is
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How much funding has SparkStarter raised over time?
SparkStarter has raised $500K.
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