Palm Belgian Craft Brewers Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 1889

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Acquired/​Merged

  • Latest Deal Type
  • M&A

  • Financing Rounds
  • 1

Palm Belgian Craft Brewers General Information


Operator of breweries based in Steenhuffel, Belgium. The company operates five breweries and also makes specialty beers and malted drinks.

Contact Information

Formerly Known As
DE Gouden Boom
Ownership Status
(Operating Subsidiary)
Financing Status
Corporate Backed or Acquired
Corporate Office
  • Steenhuffeldorp 3
  • 1840 Steenhuffel
  • Belgium
+32 052
Primary Industry
Parent Company
Corporate Office
  • Steenhuffeldorp 3
  • 1840 Steenhuffel
  • Belgium
+32 052

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Palm Belgian Craft Brewers Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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Palm Belgian Craft Brewers Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Operator of breweries based in Steenhuffel, Belgium. The company operates five breweries and also makes specialty beers
Steenhuffel, Belgium

Buggenhout, Belgium

Suffolk, United Kingdom
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Palm Belgian Craft Brewers Competitors (11)

One of Palm Belgian Craft Brewers’s 11 competitors is Brouwerij Bosteels, a Formerly PE-Backed company based in Buggenhout, Belgium.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Brouwerij Bosteels Formerly PE-Backed Buggenhout, Belgium
Adnams Corporation Suffolk, United Kingdom
Hop Valley Brewing Company Corporate Backed or Acquired Eugene, OR
Uinta Brewing Private Equity-Backed Salt Lake City, UT
Boston Beer Corporation Boston, MA
You’re viewing 5 of 11 competitors. Get the full list »

Palm Belgian Craft Brewers FAQs

  • When was Palm Belgian Craft Brewers founded?

    Palm Belgian Craft Brewers was founded in 1889.

  • Where is Palm Belgian Craft Brewers headquartered?

    Palm Belgian Craft Brewers is headquartered in Steenhuffel, Belgium.

  • What industry is Palm Belgian Craft Brewers in?

    Palm Belgian Craft Brewers’s primary industry is Beverages.

  • Is Palm Belgian Craft Brewers a private or public company?

    Palm Belgian Craft Brewers is a Private company.

  • What is Palm Belgian Craft Brewers’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Palm Belgian Craft Brewers is .

  • Who are Palm Belgian Craft Brewers’s competitors?

    Brouwerij Bosteels, Adnams, Hop Valley Brewing Company, Uinta Brewing, and Boston Beer are some of the 11 competitors of Palm Belgian Craft Brewers.

  • When was Palm Belgian Craft Brewers acquired?

    Palm Belgian Craft Brewers was acquired on 10-May-2016.

  • Who acquired Palm Belgian Craft Brewers?

    Palm Belgian Craft Brewers was acquired by Bavaria.

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