SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro Overview
- Status
- Latest Deal Type
Early Stage VC
- (Cancelled)
SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro General Information
Provider of healthcare services intended to serve and provide quality, lower-cost elective surgeries in a healthcare setting. The company's services offer COVID-19 prevention and safety measures, and patient experience handling services, enabling patients to have a quality experience during surgeries.
Contact Information
surgicalcenterofgreensboro.comCorporate Office
- 705 Green Valley Road
- Greensboro, NC 27408
- United States
Corporate Office
- 705 Green Valley Road
- Greensboro, NC 27408
- United States
SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Raised to Date | Post-Val | Status | Stage |
2. Early Stage VC | 27-Jun-2024 | Cancelled | Generating Revenue | |||
1. Seed Round | 22-Dec-2022 | Completed | Generating Revenue |
SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro FAQs
Where is SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro headquartered?
SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro is headquartered in Greensboro, NC.
What industry is SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro in?
SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro’s primary industry is Other Healthcare Services.
Is SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro a private or public company?
SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro is a Private company.
What is SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro’s current revenue?
The current revenue for SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro is
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How much funding has SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro raised over time?
SCA Health Surgical Center of Greensboro has raised $1.22M.
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