St Johns Fragrance Co Overview
- Year Founded
- Status
- Employees
- Latest Deal Type
- Financing Rounds
St Johns Fragrance Co General Information
Producer of colognes, aftershaves, bath and body soaps for men using bay rum.
Contact Information
www.stjohnsbayrum.comCorporate Office
- 470 Main Street
- Ridgefield, CT 06877
- United States
Corporate Office
- 470 Main Street
- Ridgefield, CT 06877
- United States
St Johns Fragrance Co Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Valuation/ EBITDA |
Post-Val | Status | Debt |
St Johns Fragrance Co Comparisons
St Johns Fragrance Co Competitors (2)
Company Name | Financing Status | Location | Employees | Total Raised | Last Financing Date/Type | Last Financing Amount |
Duke Cannon Supply Co. | Private Equity-Backed | Minneapolis, MN | ||||
American Provenance | Venture Capital-Backed | Mount Horeb, WI |
St Johns Fragrance Co Executive Team (1)
Name | Title | Board Seat |
Rhys Moore | Chief Executive Officer & President |
St Johns Fragrance Co Signals
St Johns Fragrance Co Former Investors
Investor Name | Investor Type | Holding | Investor Since | Participating Rounds | Contact Info |
St Johns Fragrance Co FAQs
When was St Johns Fragrance Co founded?
St Johns Fragrance Co was founded in 1946.
Who is the CEO of St Johns Fragrance Co?
Rhys Moore is the CEO of St Johns Fragrance Co.
Where is St Johns Fragrance Co headquartered?
St Johns Fragrance Co is headquartered in Ridgefield, CT.
What is the size of St Johns Fragrance Co?
St Johns Fragrance Co has 4 total employees.
What industry is St Johns Fragrance Co in?
St Johns Fragrance Co’s primary industry is Personal Products.
Is St Johns Fragrance Co a private or public company?
St Johns Fragrance Co is a Private company.
What is St Johns Fragrance Co’s current revenue?
The current revenue for St Johns Fragrance Co is
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Who are St Johns Fragrance Co’s investors?
Jerry Woodhouse and Warner-Lambert Company have invested in St Johns Fragrance Co.
Who are St Johns Fragrance Co’s competitors?
Duke Cannon Supply Co. and American Provenance are competitors of St Johns Fragrance Co.
When was St Johns Fragrance Co acquired?
St Johns Fragrance Co was acquired on 01-Jan-2017.
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