Nagoyaka Care Link Overview
- Year Founded
- Status
- Employees
- Latest Deal Type
- Financing Rounds
Nagoyaka Care Link General Information
Operator of daycare service centers in Tokyo and Kanagawa metropolitan areas. The company provides nursing care services that emphasize functional training and connections with people, communities and society, thereby providing safe, secure and trustworthy services, aiming to reduce the burden of daily care for those involved in caregiving.
Contact Information
Website Subsidiary)
Corporate Office
- 2-15-3 Konan, Minato-ku
- Shinagawa Intercity Building C, 12th floor
- Tokyo, 108-8210
- Japan
Corporate Office
- 2-15-3 Konan, Minato-ku
- Shinagawa Intercity Building C, 12th floor
- Tokyo, 108-8210
- Japan
Nagoyaka Care Link Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Valuation/ EBITDA |
Post-Val | Status | Debt |
Nagoyaka Care Link Executive Team (2)
Name | Title | Board Seat |
Takao Saeki | President & Chief Executive Officer |
Nagoyaka Care Link Signals
Nagoyaka Care Link Former Investors
Investor Name | Investor Type | Holding | Investor Since | Participating Rounds | Contact Info |
Nagoyaka Care Link FAQs
When was Nagoyaka Care Link founded?
Nagoyaka Care Link was founded in 2002.
Who is the CEO of Nagoyaka Care Link?
Takao Saeki is the CEO of Nagoyaka Care Link.
Where is Nagoyaka Care Link headquartered?
Nagoyaka Care Link is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
What is the size of Nagoyaka Care Link?
Nagoyaka Care Link has 530 total employees.
What industry is Nagoyaka Care Link in?
Nagoyaka Care Link’s primary industry is Other Healthcare Services.
Is Nagoyaka Care Link a private or public company?
Nagoyaka Care Link is a Private company.
What is the current valuation of Nagoyaka Care Link?
The current valuation of Nagoyaka Care Link is
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What is Nagoyaka Care Link’s current revenue?
The current revenue for Nagoyaka Care Link is
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Who are Nagoyaka Care Link’s investors?
Nippon Mirai Capital has invested in Nagoyaka Care Link.
When was Nagoyaka Care Link acquired?
Nagoyaka Care Link was acquired on 12-Apr-2019.
Who acquired Nagoyaka Care Link?
Nagoyaka Care Link was acquired by Solasto.
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