Emilio Jean Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Angel

Emilio Jean General Information


Mr. Emilio Azcarraga serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors, President & Chairman of the Executive Committee at Televisa. He also serves as Board of Director at Ollamani. He also served as Advisory Board Member at IGNIA Partners. Under his leadership, Televisa has relied on its position in Mexico to implement a global expansion strategy that has fostered partnerships and co-productions in Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Anglo market in the United States. Today, the content of the company is in more than 70 countries around the world and is the first choice of more than 50 million Hispanics living in the United States. He has also expanded distribution networks Televisa today includes broadcast TV, pay-TV, fixed telephony, and digital platforms. Through his vision and perseverance, Televisa is now also a major player in the vast industry of telecommunications in Mexico. He has made innovation a key part of the company. It has pushed transmedia powerful digital content and innovative strategies to capture the attention of young audiences. He has mentored a new generation of Mexican entrepreneurs through Endeavor Mexico and now leads the dialogue with the new creative minds in the country through the bottomers ARCA. He is known to take a personal interest in the many social programs Televisa Foundation. He has vigorously supported Telethon Mexico since its inception in 1997 and the company has implemented a program of work inclusion for people with disabilities. He also serves as Board Member at Univision Communications.

Business Details

Primary Investor Type
Angel (individual)
Corporate Office
  • Mexico City
  • Mexico

Emilio Jean Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

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Emilio Jean Team (1)

Name Title Deals Funds Boards Office
Emilio Jean III Angel Investor 0 0 Mexico City, Mexico

Emilio Jean FAQs

  • Who is Emilio Jean?

    Emilio Jean is an angel Investor who has made 0 investments.

  • What kind of investor is Emilio Jean?

    Emilio Jean is an angel investor.

  • What does Emilio Jean do?

    As an angel investor, Emilio Jean invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.

  • How many board seats does Emilio Jean hold?

    Emilio Jean holds a board seat in Televisa.

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