Willem Prinselaar Overview
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Willem Prinselaar General Information
Mr. Willem Prinselaar served as Member of Investment Committee at Sniper Investments. He serves as Advisor at Holland Startup. He serves as Chairman & Advisor at SmartFin Capital. Prior to that he was one of the co-founders and Managing Partners of Privast Capital Partners. He had an international career with ICI Plc between 1967 and 1993 during which he was heavily involved in a large number of acquisitions and divestments. He then created DBM Belgium, specializing in career transition counselling for senior management. During this time he also advised Chase Investment Bank, focusing on some major management buy-ins in the European chemical sector. He was educated in the Netherlands and holds an MBA degree from INSEAD.
Business Details
Primary Investor Type
Corporate Office
- Priester Cuypersstraat 3
- 1040 Brussels
- Belgium
Willem Prinselaar Investments by Industry, Year, and Region
Willem Prinselaar FAQs
Who is Willem Prinselaar?
Willem Prinselaar is an angel Investor who has made 0 investments.
What kind of investor is Willem Prinselaar?
Willem Prinselaar is an angel investor.
What does Willem Prinselaar do?
As an angel investor, Willem Prinselaar invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.
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