Mikhiro Yasuda Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Angel

  • Investments
  • 10

  • Portfolio
  • 5

  • Exits
  • 4


Mikhiro Yasuda General Information


Mr. Mikhiro Yasuda is an Angel Investor.

Business Details

Primary Investor Type
Angel (individual)

Mikhiro Yasuda Investments (10)

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Company Stage Lead Partner
Dac-Note 12-Jul-2023 Seed Round Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue
Greentoe 01-Feb-2020 Internet Retail Generating Revenue
Gyant 01-Jan-2019 Other Healthcare Technology Systems Generating Revenue
PicnicHealth 21-Dec-2018 Medical Records Systems Generating Revenue
LocoMobi World 03-Feb-2017 Other Hardware Generating Revenue
Pinshape 01-Feb-2015 Multimedia and Design Software Generating Revenue
Flaviar 14-Sep-2014 Other Services (B2C Non-Financial) Generating Revenue
Pinshape 30-Jan-2014 Multimedia and Design Software Generating Revenue
Fond 21-Jan-2014 Seed Round Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue
Povio 01-Jan-2013 Seed Round IT Consulting and Outsourcing Generating Revenue

Mikhiro Yasuda Exits (4)

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size
Gyant 16-Jan-2024 Merger/Acquisition
Fond 16-Feb-2023
Povio 01-Sep-2022 Secondary Transaction - Private
Pinshape 03-May-2016 Merger/Acquisition

Mikhiro Yasuda Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

Investments by Industry

Investments by Year

Investments by Region

PitchBook’s data visualizations quickly surface an investor’s historical investments—showing a breakdown of activity by industry, year and region.

Mikhiro Yasuda Co-Investors (7)

Name With Exits Lead Partner Series Industry
Globis University Graduate School of Management 1 Series chart Industry bar
OurPhoto Series chart Industry bar
Sennosuke Fujisawa Series chart Industry bar
Shoichi Imai Series chart Industry bar
Tomoya Nakano Series chart Industry bar

Mikhiro Yasuda FAQs

  • Who is Mikhiro Yasuda?

    Mikhiro Yasuda is an angel Investor who has made 10 investments.

  • What kind of investor is Mikhiro Yasuda?

    Mikhiro Yasuda is an angel investor.

  • What does Mikhiro Yasuda do?

    As an angel investor, Mikhiro Yasuda invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.

  • What has Mikhiro Yasuda invested in?

    Mikhiro Yasuda has made numerous investments in companies like Dac-Note, Greentoe, and Gyant within the Business/Productivity Software, Internet Retail, and Healthcare Technology Systems industries.

  • What has Mikhiro Yasuda invested in recently?

    Mikhiro Yasuda's latest investment was on 12-Jul-2023 in Dac-Note, a company within the Business/Productivity Software industry.

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