John Shlesinger Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Angel

  • Status
  • Active

John Shlesinger General Information


Mr. John Shlesinger is an Angel Investor. Mr. Shlesinger served as a board member at SpringBot Commerce. Mr. Shlesinger has been nationally recognized for his success in Commercial Property News ("Hot Brokers," March 1997, 1998 and 2002), Real Estate Forum ("Top Ten Tenant Rep Brokers in the Country," January 1996 and 1999) and GRID Magazine ("Top Tenant Rep Broker in Atlanta," March 2001). In 2004, he received the William H. McCarthy Award given to the top broker at CBRE worldwide. In 2007, Mr. Shlesinger was the recipient of the first ever Gary Beban Award, which is given to the broker exhibiting the best teamwork worldwide. Most recently, Mr. Shlesinger was awarded the Skip Beebe award on behalf of CBRE's Atlanta office as the employee demonstrating an altruistic attitude in 2011.

Business Details

Investor Status
Actively Seeking New Investments
Primary Investor Type
Angel (individual)

John Shlesinger Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

Investments by Industry

Investments by Year

Investments by Region

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John Shlesinger Team (1)

Name Title Deals Funds Boards Office
John Shlesinger Angel Investor

John Shlesinger FAQs

  • Who is John Shlesinger?

    John Shlesinger is an angel Investor who has made 0 investments.

  • What kind of investor is John Shlesinger?

    John Shlesinger is an angel investor.

  • What does John Shlesinger do?

    As an angel investor, John Shlesinger invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.

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