Shuly Galili Overview
- Investor Type
- Investments
- Portfolio
Shuly Galili General Information
Ms. Shuly Galili is a Founding Partner at UpWest. She has spent the last decade building Silicon Valley's gateway to Israel. Working with the Valley's leading tech giants, investors and business leaders she helped found the California Israel Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and created the ultimate platform for ongoing business exchange serving a network of over 10,000 companies. Under her leadership as Executive Director, CICC had a significant impact on its members' success in securing millions in venture capital, establishing US/Israel offices and R&D Centers, and branding Israel's emerging tech industry in Silicon Valley. The most significant impact of her work at CICC was advancing Israel's leading tech entrepreneurs. Recognizing their challenge in opening new markets overseas, bridging the cultural divide, acquiring business know-how, and raising capital, she created and implemented programs that accelerated over 500 Israeli startups innovating across diverse tech sectors. She holds a degree in International Relations from San Francisco State University
Business Details
Primary Investor Type
Corporate Office
- 550 California Avenue
- Suite 1
- Palo Alto, CA 94036
- United States
Shuly Galili Investments (4)
Company Name | Deal Date | Deal Type | Deal Size | Industry | Company Stage | Lead Partner |
Zone7 | 12-Feb-2019 | Seed Round | 00.00 | Business/Productivity Software | Generating Revenue | 00000 000000 |
Imubit | 23-Dec-2016 | 0000 00000 | 00.000 | Business/Productivity Software | Generating Revenue | 00000 000000 |
uMake | 12-Nov-2015 | Early Stage VC | 00.00 | Multimedia and Design Software | Generating Revenue | 00000 000000 |
Anyword | 24-Mar-2015 | Early Stage VC | 00.00 | Business/Productivity Software | Generating Revenue | 00000 000000 |
Shuly Galili Investments by Industry, Year, and Region
Shuly Galili Team (1)
Name | Title | Deals | Funds | Boards | Office |
Shuly Galili | Angel Investor | 00 | 0 | Palo Alto, CA |
Shuly Galili FAQs
Who is Shuly Galili?
Shuly Galili is an angel Investor who has made 4 investments.
What kind of investor is Shuly Galili?
Shuly Galili is an angel investor.
What does Shuly Galili do?
As an angel investor, Shuly Galili invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.
What has Shuly Galili invested in?
Shuly Galili has made numerous investments in companies like Zone7, Imubit, and uMake within the Business/Productivity Software and Multimedia and Design Software industries.
What has Shuly Galili invested in recently?
Shuly Galili's latest investment was on 12-Feb-2019 in Zone7, a company within the Business/Productivity Software industry.
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