Fady Yacoub Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Angel

  • Investments
  • 4

  • Portfolio
  • 4

Fady Yacoub General Information


Mr. Fady Yacoub is a Co-Founder and serves as Partner at HOF Capital. He is a Co-Founder & serves as an Investor at Foundation Ventures (Egypt). He co-founded FoundersMedia. He is also an Angel Investor. Together with Hisham El Haddad, he created a Hong Kong-based SPV to invest in the record-setting IPO of Alibaba. The SPV received a stock allocation at a discount with a 3x margin and was successfully exited with a 76% return in two months. He worked previously at Digital World Capital, a technology-focused hedge fund, helping the firm to expand its investment portfolio in Asia, including a sizeable investment in Baidu, the world's second-largest online search engine. Along with Hisham, he also invented the drümm device, an IoT-enhanced wearable that allows for haptic communication, after participating successfully in Switch SuperNap's technology accelerator in Nevada. Earlier in his career, He held multiple positions at El Tholathia Corp Egypt (ETC). He led El-Tholathia Corp's (ETC Egypt) industrial development team in deploying a new home appliances factory in Sudan for a $8m initial cost. Through ETC's real estate development arm, he also facilitated the purchase of and subsequently led the development team for ~400,000 m2 on Egypt's North Coast, a project initially valued at ~$60m. He holds dual Bachelor's degrees in Business Administration & Psychology from the University of Southern California. He is also an Angel Investor.

Business Details

Primary Investor Type
Angel (individual)
Corporate Office
  • New York, NY
  • United States

Fady Yacoub Investments (4)

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Company Stage Lead Partner
Asapp 19-May-2021 Later Stage VC 00000 Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue 0000 000000
Mona (Information Services (B2C)) 01-Dec-2016 00000 00000 Information Services (B2C) Generating Revenue 0000 000000
SuperPhone 07-Mar-2016 Early Stage VC 00.00 Business/Productivity Software Generating Revenue 0000 000000
Amplify.LA 10-Sep-2015 Early Stage VC Private Equity Generating Revenue 0000 000000

Fady Yacoub Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

Investments by Industry

Investments by Year

Investments by Region

PitchBook’s data visualizations quickly surface an investor’s historical investments—showing a breakdown of activity by industry, year and region.

Fady Yacoub Team (1)

Name Title Deals Funds Boards Office
Fady Yacoub Angel Investor 0 0 New York, NY

Fady Yacoub Co-Investors (23)

Name With Exits Lead Partner Series Industry
Dragoneer Investment Group 1 0 Series chart Industry bar
Emergence (Financial Services) 0 0 Series chart Industry bar
March Capital 0 0 Series chart Industry bar
MicroVentures 0 0 Series chart Industry bar
Telstra Ventures 0 0 Series chart Industry bar

Fady Yacoub FAQs

  • Who is Fady Yacoub?

    Fady Yacoub is an angel Investor who has made 4 investments.

  • What kind of investor is Fady Yacoub?

    Fady Yacoub is an angel investor.

  • What does Fady Yacoub do?

    As an angel investor, Fady Yacoub invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.

  • What has Fady Yacoub invested in?

    Fady Yacoub has made numerous investments in companies like Asapp, Mona (Information Services (B2C)), and SuperPhone within the Business/Productivity Software and Information Services (B2C) industries.

  • What has Fady Yacoub invested in recently?

    Fady Yacoub's latest investment was on 19-May-2021 in Asapp, a company within the Business/Productivity Software industry.

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