Per-Morten Enersen Brown Overview
- Investor Type
- Investments
- Exits
Per-Morten Enersen Brown General Information
Business Details
Primary Investor Type
Per-Morten Enersen Brown Investments (1)
Company Name | Deal Date | Deal Type | Deal Size | Industry | Company Stage | Lead Partner |
CoastKey | 10-Jan-2008 | 0000 00000 | 00000 | Marine | Generating Revenue |
Per-Morten Enersen Brown Exits (1)
Company Name | Exit Date | Exit Type | Exit Size |
CoastKey | 29-Apr-2019 | 000000000000 |
Per-Morten Enersen Brown Investments by Industry, Year, and Region
Per-Morten Enersen Brown FAQs
Who is Per-Morten Enersen Brown?
Per-Morten Enersen Brown is an angel Investor who has made 1 investment.
What kind of investor is Per-Morten Enersen Brown?
Per-Morten Enersen Brown is an angel investor.
What does Per-Morten Enersen Brown do?
As an angel investor, Per-Morten Enersen Brown invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.
What has Per-Morten Enersen Brown invested in?
Per-Morten Enersen Brown has invested in CoastKey within the Marine industry.
What has Per-Morten Enersen Brown invested in recently?
Per-Morten Enersen Brown's latest investment was on 10-Jan-2008 in CoastKey, a company within the Marine industry.
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