Ryan Schaffer Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Angel

Ryan Schaffer General Information


Mr. Ryan Schaffer serves as Chief Financial Officer and Board Member at Expensify. He now manages all major financial activities at the company. As CFO, he's led multiple equity buybacks from early shareholders, raised debt financing for the company, and served as the main liaison between investors and the business. Prior to becoming CFO, he was the Director of Marketing and Strategy, where he spearheaded brand marketing campaigns - including one Super Bowl commercial - that vaulted Expensify to the top of the accounting industry.

Business Details

Primary Investor Type
Angel (individual)
Corporate Office
  • 401 Southwest 5th Avenue
  • Portland, OR 97204
  • United States
+1 (520)

Ryan Schaffer Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

Investments by Industry

Investments by Year

Investments by Region

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Ryan Schaffer FAQs

  • Who is Ryan Schaffer?

    Ryan Schaffer is an angel Investor who has made 0 investments.

  • What kind of investor is Ryan Schaffer?

    Ryan Schaffer is an angel investor.

  • What does Ryan Schaffer do?

    As an angel investor, Ryan Schaffer invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.

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