Emerald Ocean Capital Overview
- Investor Type
Venture Capital
- Status
Emerald Ocean Capital General Information
Company Description
Founded in 2013, Emerald Ocean Capital was a venture capital firm and was based in Newport Beach, California. The firm used to invest in the technology and life science sectors, with a specific focus in the emerging cannabis industry.
Business Details
www.emeraldocean.comYear Founded
Investor Status
Primary Investor Type
Corporate Office
- 1300 Dove Street
- Suite 100
- Newport Beach, CA 92660
- United States
Emerald Ocean Capital Investments by Industry, Year, and Region
Emerald Ocean Capital FAQs
What is Emerald Ocean Capital?
Founded in 2013, Emerald Ocean Capital was a venture capital firm and was based in Newport Beach, California.
When was Emerald Ocean Capital founded?
Emerald Ocean Capital was founded in 2013.
Who is the founder of Emerald Ocean Capital?
Doug Francis and Justin Hartfield are the founders of Emerald Ocean Capital.
Where is Emerald Ocean Capital headquartered?
Emerald Ocean Capital is headquartered in Newport Beach, CA.
How many investments has Emerald Ocean Capital made?
Emerald Ocean Capital has made 0 investments.
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