Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund Overview
- Type
Union Pension Fund
- Year Founded

- Professionals

Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund General Information
Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund is a union pension fund based in Davie, Florida. Established in 2001, the plan pays or provides full or partial health insurance premiums and medical expense reimbursements, reimbursement of uninsured medical expenses, burial benefits, childcare expenses, sick and vacation pay, housing assistance, disaster relief, education and training. The assets are managed by the Board of Trustees.
Contact Information
Year Founded
Corporate Office
- 2955 Myrtle Oak Circle
- Davie, FL 33328
- United States
Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund Commitment Analytics
Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund Investment Allocations
Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund FAQs
When was Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund founded?
Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund was founded in 2001.
Where is Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund headquartered?
Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund is headquartered in Davie, FL.
How many Assets Under Management (AUM) does Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund have?
Miramar Firefighters Local 2820 VEBA Trust Fund has
in assets under management.
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