Nita Mirchandani Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Director , Co-Fo...

Nita Mirchandani General Information


Ms. Nita Mirchandani served as Director, Co-Founder, and Advisor at Kae Capital. She has been self-employed since 1994. Earlier she worked with HDFC Securities and JM Morgan Stanley primarily in the area of Equity Research. She has also served as the Commercial Executive of the Dempo Group. She has a master's and bachelor's in Economics from the London School of Economics and a bachelor's in Economics from St. Xaviers College of Arts & Science, Mumbai.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Director , Co-Founder and Advisor, Kae Capital
London School of Economics and Political Science, Master's

Nita Mirchandani FAQs

  • Who is Nita Mirchandani?

    Ms. Nita Mirchandani served as Director, Co-Founder, and Advisor at Kae Capital.

  • How much does Nita Mirchandani typically invest?

    Nita Mirchandani's median deal size is .

  • What is Nita Mirchandani’s main position?

    Nita Mirchandani’s primary position is Director , Co-Founder and Advisor.

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