Martin Paliga Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Managing Directo...

Martin Paliga General Information


Mr. Martin Paliga served as Managing Director at Galway Group. Martin, a Galway Managing Director based in Singapore has over 30 years of experience in the energy business, of which more than fifteen is LNG-focused. This includes LNG marketing and the negotiation and implementation of agreements for the development, installation, financing and operation of LNG import facilities. Martin specializes in commercial development and the negotiation of commercial agreements for LNG projects, either for buyers or sellers of LNG. Martin also has expertise in conducting energy studies, LNG marketing and pricing, the economics and operations of downstream gas and power facilities and acting as an expert witness in contract disputes. Prior to joining Galway, Martin held LNG marketing positions at RasGas and Qatar Petroleum was Commercial Manager for an LNG and power project in northern Spain and has acted as an independent consultant specializing in LNG. Martin has a BSc Tech in Chemical Engineering and Fuel Technology from the University of Sheffield and an M.B.A. from the University of Warwick.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Managing Director, Galway Group
University of Warwick, MBA (Master of Business Administration)
University of Sheffield, BS (Bachelor of Science)

Martin Paliga FAQs

  • Who is Martin Paliga?

    Mr. Martin Paliga served as Managing Director at Galway Group.

  • How much does Martin Paliga typically invest?

    Martin Paliga's median deal size is .

  • What is Martin Paliga’s main position?

    Martin Paliga’s primary position is Managing Director.

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