Andrew Vreeke Overview
- Company
- SKO Learning
- Primary Position
Co-Founder & Chi...
Andrew Vreeke General Information
Mr. Andrew Vreeke Co-Founded & served as Chief Executive Officer at SKO Learning. Andrew was the President and COO of SureScore, a college-readiness and test-preparation company. He also served in various leadership roles with pioneering education technology companies, including eChalk and Advanced Academics. Previously, Andrew had served as an analyst for Lockheed Martin and Aspen Systems, working with various Federal agencies. In 2011, Andrew won the Leadership Award for Excellence in Education from EdTech Digest. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado MPA program and has a bachelor's degrees from the University of Wisconsin.
Contact Information
Andrew Vreeke FAQs
Who is Andrew Vreeke?
Mr. Andrew Vreeke Co-Founded & served as Chief Executive Officer at SKO Learning.
How much does Andrew Vreeke typically invest?
Andrew Vreeke's median deal size is
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What is Andrew Vreeke’s main position?
Andrew Vreeke’s primary position is Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer.
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