Adrienne Busby JD Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Partner

Adrienne Busby JD General Information


Ms. Adrienne Busby serves as Partner at Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath. She served as Partner at Faegre Baker Daniels. She is an experienced litigator in product liability, commercial, employment law, class action, and mass tort matters. As a member of the firm's product liability group nationally ranked by Chambers USA and "Highly Recommended" in Legal Media Group's Life Sciences edition, she has represented local, national, and international manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer products across the U.S. and Canada. Adrienne is also actively involved in helping clients through pre-litigation counseling. Adrienne has defended companies involved in asbestos, pharmaceutical, and medical device mass torts. She also has represented employers in state court actions and Title VII, ADA, ADEA, and FMLA actions in federal courts in several states.

Contact Information

Primary Position
University of Notre Dame, JD (Doctor of Law)
University of Notre Dame, BA (Bachelor of Arts)
+1 (317)
  • 300 North Meridian Street
  • Suite 2500
  • Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • United States
+1 (317)

Adrienne Busby JD Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Faegre Drinker Service Provider Partner Minneapolis, MN Law Firm

Adrienne Busby JD FAQs

  • Who is Adrienne Busby JD?

    Ms. Adrienne Busby serves as Partner at Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath.

  • How much does Adrienne Busby JD typically invest?

    Adrienne Busby JD's median deal size is .

  • What is Adrienne Busby JD’s main position?

    Adrienne Busby JD’s primary position is Partner.

  • What are the contact details for Adrienne Busby JD?

    Adrienne Busby JD’s email address is ad and his phone number is +1 (317) .

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