Erin Vilardi Overview

  • Company
  • VoteRunLead

  • Primary Position
  • Founder & Chief...

Erin Vilardi General Information


Ms. Erin Vilardi is the Founder & serves as Chief Executive Officer at VoteRunLead. She first launched VRL as Vice President of Program and Communications at The White House Project, establishing the largest national political training program readying women for public office and civic life, training over 15,000 women. She has served as a Leadership Development Consultant for a range of clients, including the Yahoo! Business and Human Rights division and Athena Center for Leadership Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University, where she developed the Athena CORE10© - an innovative set of leadership competencies for 21st-century women leaders based on the latest research and gender analysis. She has worked with a diverse range of clients including Fortune 100 companies, global girls' initiatives and the U.S. Department of State, reaching women leaders in a dozen international cities. Vilardi serves on the Advisory Boards of Girl Meets World, the New American Leaders Project, and and is on the Leadership Teams of Vision2020 and Political Parity. She is an Executive Producer of Ann Richards' Texas, a documentary about the late pioneering governor. She has appeared on CNN, BBC, and Fox News and her work was featured in O, The Oprah Magazine as well as numerous international and domestic articles on women and leadership.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Founder & Chief Executive Officer, VoteRunLead
New York University, BA (Bachelor of Arts)
  • 1103 Missouri Avenue
  • Duluth, MN 55811
  • United States

Erin Vilardi Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
VoteRunLead Company Founder & Chief Executive Officer Duluth, MN Educational and Training Services (B2C)

Erin Vilardi FAQs

  • Who is Erin Vilardi?

    Ms. Erin Vilardi is the Founder & serves as Chief Executive Officer at VoteRunLead.

  • How much does Erin Vilardi typically invest?

    Erin Vilardi's median deal size is .

  • What is Erin Vilardi’s main position?

    Erin Vilardi’s primary position is Founder & Chief Executive Officer.

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