Steve Lamb Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Operating Partne...

Steve Lamb General Information


Mr. Steve Lamb serves as Operating Partner at Intrinsic Equity. He holds a BSc Honours degree in Technology and Management and has held senior executive positions within the IT Sector for the last 20 years. He began his career in Manufacturing before moving into the IT Sector with the advent of 3D CAD / CAM systems in the early 80s. His first senior Executive role was that of Sales and Marketing Director for a software/application business. He was appointed Managing Director of a UK Plc subsidiary (ECS, a software developer, vendor, and services provider) in 1991, and led a successful MBO of this business in February 1992. ECS continued in software, services, and enterprise-wide document management through to the late 1990s. In 1993 he developed ECS into a new Systems Integration business and acquired IDC in 1994 to complement this new activity. On the back of profitable year-on-year growth and with revenues in excess of £10m. He obtained venture capital support to pursue a development strategy (primarily acquisition). He ultimately decided to pursue an alternative option and this business was sold to GFI Informatique, a listed European Plc in 1999. This gave Mr. Lamb the opportunity to realize some of his investment as well as obtain a greater role in a European Group, with GFI providing the funds for a UK acquisition strategy. He was appointed to the Group's International Executive Committee with responsibility for defining strategy for Europe as well as continuing as Managing Director for the UK operations, including a City based Consulting business. He acquired a further complementary business in GADC Networks in 2000 and successfully merged the three UK operations together in 2001. GFI under Mr. Lamb's leadership became one of Cisco's flagship partners and received many industry awards including Cisco Gold Partner of the Year for the UK and Ireland in 2003. During 2004 / 2005 the GFI Group became more focused on its Southern European activities and was unable to make funds available to invest in the UK. As a result, he oversaw the sale of GFI UK to its European parent in October 2005.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Operating Partner, Intrinsic Equity
+44 0121 000 0000
  • One Temple Row
  • Birmingham B2 5LG
  • England, United Kingdom
+44 0121 000 0000

Steve Lamb Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Intrinsic Equity Investor Operating Partner Birmingham, United Kingdom PE/Buyout

Steve Lamb FAQs

  • Who is Steve Lamb?

    Mr. Steve Lamb serves as Operating Partner at Intrinsic Equity.

  • How much does Steve Lamb typically invest?

    Steve Lamb's median deal size is 000000.

  • What is Steve Lamb’s main position?

    Steve Lamb’s primary position is Operating Partner.

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