Alastair Nash Overview

  • Company
  • Wentworth Capita...

  • Primary Position
  • Co-Founder & Chi...

Alastair Nash General Information


Mr. Alastair Nash is a Co-Founder & serves as Chief Executive Officer at Wentworth Capital. He served as Principal at The Blackstone Group. Nash is a Principal in the Real Estate group and is based in Sydney. Before joining Blackstone, Nash worked as a Senior Analyst in the Strategy and M&A team at the Mirvac Group, an Australian publicly-listed REIT, executing and analyzing real estate investments throughout Australia. Nash received a Bachelor of Business Degree from the University of Technology, Sydney and is a Chartered Accountant.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Wentworth Capital
University of Technology, Sydney, BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
  • 5/99 Macquarie Street
  • Sydney, New South Wales 2000
  • Australia

Alastair Nash Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Wentworth Capital Company Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer Sydney, Australia Asset Management

Alastair Nash FAQs

  • Who is Alastair Nash?

    Mr. Alastair Nash is a Co-Founder & serves as Chief Executive Officer at Wentworth Capital.

  • How much does Alastair Nash typically invest?

    Alastair Nash's median deal size is .

  • What is Alastair Nash’s main position?

    Alastair Nash’s primary position is Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer.

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