Mundia Muchiri Overview
- Company
- Green Pot Enterp...
- Primary Position
Mundia Muchiri General Information
Mr. Mundia Muchiri co-founded Green Pot Enterprises. He has been with Green Pot since its inception, and remains active in strategy development as well as field operations. He has had a distinguished career in the Media, Real Estate and Farming, and is well versed with what it takes to build a world class business. He is passionate about community development and is dedicated to finding ways of making bamboo an agent of social and economic transformation for the people of Kenya
Contact Information
Mundia Muchiri FAQs
Who is Mundia Muchiri?
Mr. Mundia Muchiri co-founded Green Pot Enterprises.
How much does Mundia Muchiri typically invest?
Mundia Muchiri's median deal size is
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What is Mundia Muchiri’s main position?
Mundia Muchiri’s primary position is Co-Founder.
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