João Vasconcelos Overview

  • Company
  • Materiais Proteç...

  • Primary Position
  • Co-Founder & Man...

João Vasconcelos General Information


Mr. João Vasconcelos is a Co-Founder and serves as Manager at Materiais Proteção. He completed his Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management in 2017, with an Olympic sailing campaign in between. He worked as a digital marketing consultant and worked for a while with a Portuguese Chamber of Commerce. He organized a sailing world championship and then got a Startup Voucher from IAPMEI to launch my first startup, Squadlinker, which was a project I ended up abandoning to co-found Leanmat, with which he graduated from the Founder Institute Lisbon.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Co-Founder & Manager, Materiais Proteção
+351 915
  • Number 629
  • Rua de Paulo da Gama
  • Porto, 4150-589
  • Portugal
+351 928

João Vasconcelos Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Materiais Proteção Company Co-Founder & Manager Porto, Portugal Internet Retail

João Vasconcelos FAQs

  • Who is João Vasconcelos?

    Mr. João Vasconcelos is a Co-Founder and serves as Manager at Materiais Proteção.

  • How much does João Vasconcelos typically invest?

    João Vasconcelos's median deal size is .

  • What is João Vasconcelos’s main position?

    João Vasconcelos’s primary position is Co-Founder & Manager.

  • What are the contact details for João Vasconcelos?

    João Vasconcelos’s email address is jo and his phone number is +351 915 .

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