Luis Bedoya Overview
- Company
- MCI Medical Serv...
- Primary Position
Luis Bedoya General Information
Mr. Luis Bedoya served as Chairman of MCI Medical Services. In 2002 Mr. Bedoya founded his first company, MCI Capital, Integral Business Consultant. In 2008 he founded LCR SAECA (formerly LC Risk Management SAECA), and in 2009 he founded PASFIN SAECA. In 2015 he founded the Paraguayan Chamber of Credit Companies (CRECER), in 2016 he founded MCI + Medical Services, and in 2017 he founded BICSA Buró de Informes Comerciales SA. In 2018 he founded the RIAP Red de Inversionistas Ángeles del Paraguay. In September 2019, it sold its stake in MCI+, buying Medical and merging both companies that became the property of LCR SAECA (currently owned by Investa Capital SAECA), Díaz Gill Medicina Laboratorial and Meyer Lab, thus creating LIVI Medicina Preventiva, where works as Adjunct Advisor to the Board of Directors. He was the Chairman of the Board of LCR SAECA (Non-Banking Financial Institution) merged with Credicentro SAECA and PASFIN SAECA, being the first merger of 3 companies in the commercial history of Paraguay. He was President of iOiO and Deputy Strategic Advisor to the Board of Credicentro SAECA. He is currently Chairman of the Board of Investa Capital SAECA. Investment Management and Real Estate Development Company.
Contact Information
Luis Bedoya FAQs
Who is Luis Bedoya?
Mr. Luis Bedoya served as Chairman of MCI Medical Services.
How much does Luis Bedoya typically invest?
Luis Bedoya's median deal size is
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What is Luis Bedoya’s main position?
Luis Bedoya’s primary position is Chairman.
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