Charly Berthet Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Investor

Charly Berthet General Information


Mr. Charly Berthet serves as Investor at 2050 (VC). He worked at French Digital Council and was responsible for designing the evolution of law and technology. He also worked at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign affairs, where he co-led the development of France's international digital strategy. In 2018, he became advisor to the Director General of ANSSI, the national cyber defense authority for strategic public and private operators.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Investor, 2050 (VC)
  • 10, Boulevard de la Bastille
  • 75012 Paris
  • France

Charly Berthet Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
2050 (VC) Investor Investor Paris, France Impact Investing

Charly Berthet FAQs

  • Who is Charly Berthet?

    Mr. Charly Berthet serves as Investor at 2050 (VC).

  • How much does Charly Berthet typically invest?

    Charly Berthet's median deal size is .

  • What is Charly Berthet’s main position?

    Charly Berthet’s primary position is Investor.

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