Judy Bigby MD Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Board Member &...

  • Active Board Seats
  • 1

Judy Bigby MD General Information


Dr. Judy Bigby serves as Board Member & Advisor at ConcertoCare.She is a physician, public health advocate, and policy maker who has dedicated her career to advancing health for vulnerable populations. Appointed by former Governor Deval Patrick, she served as Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from 2007 to 2013. In her role, she was responsible for implementing many aspects of the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Law. She previously served as the Director of Community Health Programs and Health Equity at Brigham and Women's Hospital. She also served as the director of the Center of Excellence in Women's Health at Harvard Medical School. At Harvard Medical School, she focused on initiatives to reduce disparities in infant mortality, breast cancer, and cervical cancer through the redesign of clinical programs, education of health professionals, and community partnerships. She is the former Executive Director of South Africa Partners, a U.S.-based organization providing technical assistance to South African governmental agencies, academics, and communities to improve primary care health systems, advance leadership skills among health care managers, and implement community-based early education. She was a Senior Fellow at Mathematica, a policy-focused research firm, where she focused on strategies to improve quality in state Medicaid programs. She serves on the board of directors of South Africa Partners, Share Our Strength, American Civil Liberties Union Massachusetts, and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. She holds an M.D. from Harvard Medical School and a B.S. in biology from Wellesley College. She holds honorary degrees from Lesley University, Pine Manor College, and the New England School of Law.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Board Member & Advisor, ConcertoCare
Harvard Medical School, MD (Doctor of Medicine)
Wellesley College, BS (Bachelor of Science)
+1 (855)
  • 345 Park Avenue South
  • New York, NY 10010
  • United States
+1 (855)

Judy Bigby MD Board Seats (1)

Company Industry Ownership Status Financing Status Location Since
ConcertoCare Elder and Disabled Care Privately Held (backing) Venture Capital-Backed New York, NY

Judy Bigby MD Network (6)

Board Members (6)

Name Company Representing Location From
Stephen Anastos ConcertoCare Deerfield Management New York, NY
Julian Harris MD ConcertoCare ConcertoCare New York, NY
ConcertoCare Obvious Ventures New York, NY
ConcertoCare Self New York, NY
ConcertoCare Self New York, NY

Judy Bigby MD FAQs

  • Who is Judy Bigby MD?

    Dr. Judy Bigby serves as Board Member & Advisor at ConcertoCare.

  • How much does Judy Bigby MD typically invest?

    Judy Bigby MD's median deal size is .

  • What is Judy Bigby MD’s main position?

    Judy Bigby MD’s primary position is Board Member & Advisor.

  • How many active board seats does Judy Bigby MD hold?

    Judy Bigby MD holds a board seat in ConcertoCare.

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