Mark Buettner Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Senior Vice Pres...

Mark Buettner General Information


Mr. Mark Buettner served as Senior Vice President at Valuation Research Corporation. He specializes in the valuation of machinery and equipment for domestic and international clients. For 26 years, Mr. Buettner has prepared valuations for allocation of purchase price, bankruptcies, mergers, partnership formation, stock issues and taxation purposes. Major industries served by Mr. Buettner include chemical, oil and gas; automotive and transportation; mining; consumer goods; food processing; metal/plastics/woodworking; paper and pulp; and broadcasting. Prior to joining Valuation Research, Mr. Buettner was the sole proprietor of Republic Appraisal Company in Milwaukee, where he prepared valuations of machinery and equipment and buildings for the financial, insurance, government and industrial sectors. Mr. Buettner has been designated an accredited senior appraiser (ASA) in machinery and technical specialties by the American Society of Appraisers. He is also certified in Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). In addition, he holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Senior Vice President, Valuation Research Corporation
University of Wisconsin, BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)

Mark Buettner FAQs

  • Who is Mark Buettner?

    Mr. Mark Buettner served as Senior Vice President at Valuation Research Corporation.

  • How much does Mark Buettner typically invest?

    Mark Buettner's median deal size is .

  • What is Mark Buettner’s main position?

    Mark Buettner’s primary position is Senior Vice President.

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