Heidi Aardal Overview
- Company
- International Ca...
- Primary Position
Head of Operatio...
Heidi Aardal General Information
Ms. Heidi Aardal served as Chief Operating Officer at International Carbon Registry. She has a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and climate change management studies from the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. During her climate change studies, she realized that she was passionate about mitigation technology and decided to pursue this further through a multidisciplinary masters in renewable energy from Háskóli Íslands, specializing in carbon dioxide removal from carbon, capture and storage activities. She is an advocate for innovation and emerging CDR technology, where providing a financial incentive for these solutions is her motivation for working in the VCM sector.
Contact Information
Heidi Aardal FAQs
Who is Heidi Aardal?
Ms. Heidi Aardal served as Chief Operating Officer at International Carbon Registry.
How much does Heidi Aardal typically invest?
Heidi Aardal's median deal size is
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What is Heidi Aardal’s main position?
Heidi Aardal’s primary position is Head of Operations.
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