Stephan Heitmann Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Partner (Lawyer)

Stephan Heitmann General Information


Mr. Stephan Heitmann serves as Partner (Lawyer) at LexQuire Tax & Law. He has been designated as a Trusted Advisor to many companies. He specializes in corporate law, with extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, insolvencies and tax matters. In addition to his corporate law specialization, he also specializes in intellectural property law, competition law and legal aspects regarding the music-, film and televisionworld. Furthermore, he is a supervisory director of various medium-sized an large companies.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Partner (Lawyer), LexQuire Tax & Law
+49 0211
  • Neuer Zollhof 1
  • 40221 Dusseldorf
  • Germany
+49 0211

Stephan Heitmann Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
LexQuire Tax & Law Service Provider Partner (Lawyer) Maastricht, Netherlands Law Firm

Stephan Heitmann FAQs

  • Who is Stephan Heitmann?

    Mr. Stephan Heitmann serves as Partner (Lawyer) at LexQuire Tax & Law.

  • How much does Stephan Heitmann typically invest?

    Stephan Heitmann's median deal size is .

  • What is Stephan Heitmann’s main position?

    Stephan Heitmann’s primary position is Partner (Lawyer).

  • What are the contact details for Stephan Heitmann?

    Stephan Heitmann’s email address is st and his phone number is +49 0211 .

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