Michèle Rioni-Vallotto Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Founder & Wealth...

Michèle Rioni-Vallotto General Information


Ms. Michèle Rioni-Vallotto is Co-Founder and serves as Wealth Management Advisor at Euro Patrimoine Investissement. She began her career at Banque INDOSUEZ in Nice and then participated in creating the Nice agency of the Duménil-Leblé Group in 1989 and the creation of EPI in 1996. Holder of a University Higher Education Diploma specializing in Wealth Management (Paul Cézanne University of Aix-Marseille III).

Contact Information

Primary Position
Founder & Wealth Management Advisor, Euro Patrimoine Investissement
+33 04
  • 15 Rue Massena
  • 06000 Nice
  • France
+33 04

Michèle Rioni-Vallotto Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Euro Patrimoine Investissement Limited Partner Founder & Wealth Management Advisor Nice, France Investment Advisor

Michèle Rioni-Vallotto FAQs

  • Who is Michèle Rioni-Vallotto?

    Ms. Michèle Rioni-Vallotto is Co-Founder and serves as Wealth Management Advisor at Euro Patrimoine Investissement.

  • How much does Michèle Rioni-Vallotto typically invest?

    Michèle Rioni-Vallotto's median deal size is .

  • What is Michèle Rioni-Vallotto’s main position?

    Michèle Rioni-Vallotto’s primary position is Founder & Wealth Management Advisor.

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