Tonia Winchester JD Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Director

Tonia Winchester JD General Information


Ms. Winchester was the Director at Privateer Holdings. Tonia's ability to address complex opportunities, aligning people and resources to achieve a common goal, makes her an invaluable member of the Privateer Team. With versatile talents, compassion and intense focus, Tonia has time and again overcome the status quo in pursuit of meaningful results, including a successful career as an attorney and the passage of the Washington's landmark I-502 legislation. Outreach Director for Washington State's I-502 Campaign, which made Washington state the first place in the world to legalize the possession of cannabis. Tonia was instrumental in crafting outreach strategies that built alliances with community leaders across Washington and secured the endorsement of prominent organizations. As second in charge of the campaign, she facilitated public relation efforts, coordinated and participated in I-502 speakers' bureau, managed daily operations, and was the first point of contact for the campaign. Prosecutor and Defense Attorney, in both rural and urban Washington State, Tonia has seen firsthand the effect of a failed policy and the toll of cannabis prohibition. Her understanding of policy reform and experience in community advocacy underpin a strong belief that legitimate business is the essential foundation of lasting benefits for society. Business Systems Analyst for VerticalNet Solutions, where Tonia assisted in the design, implementation and testing of large scale auction platforms.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Seattle University, JD (Doctor of Law)
University of Washington, Seattle, BA (Bachelor of Arts)

Tonia Winchester JD FAQs

  • Who is Tonia Winchester JD?

    Ms. Winchester was the Director at Privateer Holdings.

  • How much does Tonia Winchester JD typically invest?

    Tonia Winchester JD's median deal size is .

  • What is Tonia Winchester JD’s main position?

    Tonia Winchester JD’s primary position is Director.

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