Anthony Watson Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Director

Anthony Watson General Information


Mr. Anthony Watson served as a director at Witan Investment Trust. He was appointed Senior Independent Director in February 2008. He is the Senior Independent Director of Lloyds Banking Group plc. He was formerly chairman of the Trustees of the Marks & Spencer Pension Scheme, chairman of the Strategic Investment Board Limited (Northern Ireland), a member of the Financial Reporting Council, the Senior Independent Director of Hammerson plc, and a non-executive director of Vodafone Group Plc, the Shareholder Executive and the Investment Management Association (now the Investment Association). Mr. Watson retired in 2006 from an executive career in the investment management industry, most recently as Chief Executive of Hermes Fund Managers Limited.

Contact Information

Primary Position

Anthony Watson Network (11)

Board Members (11)

Name Company Representing Location From
Gabrielle Boyle Witan Investment Trust Self London, United Kingdom
Henry Henderson Witan Investment Trust Witan Investment Trust London, United Kingdom
Witan Investment Trust Self London, United Kingdom
Witan Investment Trust Self London, United Kingdom

Anthony Watson FAQs

  • Who is Anthony Watson?

    Mr. Anthony Watson served as a director at Witan Investment Trust.

  • How much does Anthony Watson typically invest?

    Anthony Watson's median deal size is .

  • What is Anthony Watson’s main position?

    Anthony Watson’s primary position is Director.

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