Hamish Sutherland Overview

  • Company
  • White Sheep

  • Primary Position
  • Co-Chief Executi...

  • Primary Industry
  • Healthcare

  • Active Board Seats
  • 4

  • Med. Deal Size

  • Med. Valuation

Hamish Sutherland General Information


Mr. Hamish Sutherland serves as Co-Chief Executive Officer & President at White Sheep. He serves as Board Member at Mera Cannabis. He also serves as Managing Partner at Initiative Capital. He also serves as Chief Operating Officer, Director and Board Member at Asterion Cannabis. Mr. Sutherland is the CEO of White Sheep Corp, Over the last three decades, he has overseen hundreds of millions of investor dollars and built start-ups on three continents. One of the rare few who has hands-on experience in developing a successful cannabis company, passing more than 50 inspections by Health Canada. The founding COO for Bedrocan Canada delivered over $750 Million in returns for shareholders. Mr. Sutherland also managed the first legal transfer of live cannabis plant material from Holland to Canada, as well as the greenfield construction and commissioning of Bedrocans' 52,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art automated facility. As the former Investment Commissioner, for the Australian Trade Commission, Mr. Sutherland was responsible for establishing 17 offshore companies entering North America for the first time and guiding $100 million in direct investment and acquisitions between Australian and Canadian companies. He has a B. Eng. in engineering physics from McMaster University and an MBA from the Schulich School at York University.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Co-Chief Executive Officer & President, White Sheep
York University, MBA (Master of Business Administration)
McMaster University, BE (Bachelor of Engineering)
  • 1200-55 University Avenue
  • Toronto, Ontario M5J 2H7
  • Canada

Hamish Sutherland Positions (3)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Asterion Cannabis Company Chief Operating Officer, Director & Board Member Vancouver, Canada Pharmaceuticals
Initiative Capital Investor Managing Partner Toronto, Canada Venture Capital
White Sheep Company Co-Chief Executive Officer & President Toronto, Canada Cultivation

Hamish Sutherland Board Seats (4)

Company Industry Ownership Status Financing Status Location Since
Asterion Cannabis Pharmaceuticals Privately Held (backing) Corporate Backed or Acquired Vancouver, Canada
Harborside Specialty Retail Publicly Held Formerly VC-backed Oakland, CA
Mera Cannabis Other Consumer Durables Privately Held (backing) Formerly PE-Backed Toronto, Canada
Oblend Other Devices and Supplies Privately Held (backing) Venture Capital-Backed Raleigh, NC

Hamish Sutherland Lead Partner on Deals (1)

Hamish Sutherland has been the lead partner on 1 deal. Their latest deal was with BioMediCan, a other pharmaceuticals and biotechnology company. The deal was made for on 29-Jan-2018.

Company Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Deal Status Industry Location
BioMediCan 29-Jan-2018 Early Stage VC (Series AA) Completed Other Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Fremont, CA

Hamish Sutherland Network (26)

Board Members (23)

Name Company Representing Location From
Robert Schwartz Harborside Self Oakland, CA
Jeff Brothers Harborside Harborside Oakland, CA
Mera Cannabis Mera Cannabis Toronto, Canada
Harborside Self Oakland, CA
Asterion Cannabis Self Vancouver, Canada

Portfolio Executives (2)

Name Company Role Deal date Location
BioMediCan Founder, President , Chief Science Officer, Chief Executive Officer & Board Member 29-Jan-2018 Fremont, CA
BioMediCan President, Chief Investment Officer & Board Member 29-Jan-2018 Fremont, CA

Fund Team Members (1)

Name Investor Fund Fund Location
Initiative Capital Toronto, Canada

Hamish Sutherland Affiliated Funds (1)

Fund Investor Fund Type Status Vintage Size Dry Powder IRR IRR Quartile
Initiative Capital Fund Initiative Capital Venture Capital - Early Stage Open

Hamish Sutherland FAQs

  • Who is Hamish Sutherland?

    Mr. Hamish Sutherland serves as Co-Chief Executive Officer & President at White Sheep.

  • How much does Hamish Sutherland typically invest?

    Hamish Sutherland's median deal size is .

  • What is Hamish Sutherland’s main position?

    Hamish Sutherland’s primary position is Co-Chief Executive Officer & President.

  • How many active board seats does Hamish Sutherland hold?

    Hamish Sutherland holds 4 board seats including Asterion Cannabis, Harborside, Mera Cannabis, and Oblend.

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