Ronald Petnuch JD Overview

  • Company
  • Fedora Intertech

  • Primary Position
  • Co-Chief Executi...

  • Primary Industry
  • Information Technology

Ronald Petnuch JD General Information


Mr. Ronald Petnuch serves as Co-Chief Executive Officer at Fedora Intertech. Mr. Petnuch served as President, Board Member and Chief Executive Officer at Intertech Ci. He became the President and CEO of Intertech Security in 2005, when Intertech merged with two security and monitoring companies owned by Petnuch Partners, LP. Ron is the strategic leader for the company, responsible for setting long-term goals, developing key business and achieving growth. Prior to joining Intertech, Ron was a senior vice president in the marketing and sales division of one of the nation's largest mutual fund companies. His experience in the financial services industry and as a lawyer has been invaluable in Intertech's growth and stability.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Co-Chief Executive Officer, Fedora Intertech
Duquesne University, JD (Doctor of Law)
John Carroll University, BA (Bachelor of Arts)
+1 (412)
  • 1501 Preble Avenue
  • Pittsburgh, PA 15233
  • United States
+1 (412)

Ronald Petnuch JD Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Fedora Intertech Company Co-Chief Executive Officer Pittsburgh, PA IT Consulting and Outsourcing

Ronald Petnuch JD Lead Partner on Deals (1)

Ronald Petnuch JD has been the lead partner on 1 deal. Their latest deal was with Accent Electronic Systems Integrators, a electronic equipment and instruments company. The deal was made on 24-Sep-2014.

Company Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Deal Status Industry Location
Accent Electronic Systems Integrators 24-Sep-2014 Merger/Acquisition Completed Electronic Equipment and Instruments Bonita Springs, FL

Ronald Petnuch JD Network (7)

Board Members (4)

Name Company Representing Location From
Matthew Petnuch Intertech Ci Intertech Ci Pittsburgh, PA
Christopher Wetzel Intertech Ci Intertech Ci Pittsburgh, PA
Intertech Ci Intertech Ci Pittsburgh, PA
Intertech Ci Intertech Ci Pittsburgh, PA

Ronald Petnuch JD FAQs

  • Who is Ronald Petnuch JD?

    Mr. Ronald Petnuch serves as Co-Chief Executive Officer at Fedora Intertech.

  • How much does Ronald Petnuch JD typically invest?

    Ronald Petnuch JD's median deal size is .

  • What is Ronald Petnuch JD’s main position?

    Ronald Petnuch JD’s primary position is Co-Chief Executive Officer.

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