Adalberto Flores Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Co-Founder, Chie...

  • Active Board Seats
  • 1

Adalberto Flores General Information


Mr. Adalberto Flores is a Co-Founder and serves as Chief Executive Officer, President, and Chairman at Kueski. He was the Director of Operations, in Mexico at Ooyala. Previously, he worked as co-founder and CEO at Inviko. has been a regular guest speaker at renowned forums such as TEDx and Foros Milenio, and is widely recognized as a trailblazer in innovation and leadership. Kueski key to success relies on its core vision and its solid corporate culture that focuses on the development of new technology that allows the company to connect with its clients and monitor its competitors in order to deliver tailored products that meet market needs, narrowing the access gap to financial services in Mexico. He holds a BS degree in Industrial Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey. He was awarded Mexico University Student of the Year for Finance by Ernst & Young and CNN-Expansion in 2007 and received the Intel Entrepreneurship Challenge Mexico Award in 2009 and the E100 Mexico West Entrepreneurship Recognition in 2012, among others.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President & Chairman, Kueski
Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey Institute of Technology), BS (Bachelor of Science)
Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV Brazil), BA (Bachelor of Arts)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, BA (Bachelor of Arts)
Fudan University, BS (Bachelor of Science)
  • Avenue Américas 1297, Floor 03-15 Colony
  • Circunvalación Américas
  • Guadalajara, Jalisco 44630
  • Mexico

Adalberto Flores Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Kueski Company Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President & Chairman Guadalajara, Mexico Financial Software

Adalberto Flores Board Seats (1)

Company Industry Ownership Status Financing Status Location Since
Kueski Financial Software Privately Held (backing) Venture Capital-Backed Guadalajara, Mexico

Adalberto Flores Network (3)

Board Members (3)

Name Company Representing Location From
Sharon Olexy Kueski Self Guadalajara, Mexico
Peter Kellner JD Kueski Richmond Global Ventures Guadalajara, Mexico
Kueski Tuesday Capital Guadalajara, Mexico

Adalberto Flores FAQs

  • Who is Adalberto Flores?

    Mr. Adalberto Flores is a Co-Founder and serves as Chief Executive Officer, President, and Chairman at Kueski.

  • How much does Adalberto Flores typically invest?

    Adalberto Flores's median deal size is .

  • What is Adalberto Flores’s main position?

    Adalberto Flores’s primary position is Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President & Chairman.

  • What are the contact details for Adalberto Flores?

    Adalberto Flores’s email address is ad and his phone number is +52 .

  • How many active board seats does Adalberto Flores hold?

    Adalberto Flores holds a board seat in Kueski.

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