Quirine Eenhorst Overview
- Firm
- Clifford Chance
- Primary Position
Quirine Eenhorst General Information
Quirine Eenhorst served as Partner at Clifford Chance. She focuses particularly on the legal and tax aspects of private funds, institutional investments, asset management and the setting up, structuring (legal and tax), negotiating and documenting of all types of investment funds including alternative investment funds such as private equity, real estate, infrastructure, renewably energy, asset pooling, credit opportunity and hedge funds as well as secondary transactions and fund M&A, acting for both managers and investors.
Contact Information
Quirine Eenhorst FAQs
Who is Quirine Eenhorst?
Quirine Eenhorst served as Partner at Clifford Chance.
How much does Quirine Eenhorst typically invest?
Quirine Eenhorst's median deal size is 000000.
What is Quirine Eenhorst’s main position?
Quirine Eenhorst’s primary position is Partner.
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