Henrik Leth Overview

  • Company
  • Polar Seafood De...

  • Primary Position
  • Chairman

  • Primary Industry
  • B2C

  • Active Board Seats
  • 1

Henrik Leth General Information


Mr. Henrik Leth serves as Chairman at Polar Seafood Denmark.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Chairman, Polar Seafood Denmark
+45 98
  • Baldrianvej 2
  • 9310 Vodskov
  • Denmark
+45 98

Henrik Leth Board Seats (1)

Company Industry Ownership Status Financing Status Location Since
Polar Seafood Denmark Distributors/Wholesale Privately Held (no backing) Pending Transaction (M&A) Vodskov, Denmark

Henrik Leth Lead Partner on Deals (4)

Henrik Leth has been the lead partner on 4 deals. Their latest deal was with Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks, a food products company. The deal was made on 05-May-2016.

Company Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Deal Status Industry Location
Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks 05-May-2016 Merger/Acquisition Completed Food Products Esbjerg, Denmark
Polar Raajat 08-Sep-2014 Completed Food Products Nuuk, Greenland
East Greenland Codfish 01-Jan-2012 Merger/Acquisition Completed Food Products Tasiilaq, Greenland
Polar Raajat Merger/Acquisition Completed Food Products Nuuk, Greenland

Henrik Leth Network (7)

Portfolio Executives (7)

Name Company Role Deal date Location
Lasse Ronne Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks Finance Manager 05-May-2016 Esbjerg, Denmark
Christoph Kjærgaard Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks Director & Co-Owner 05-May-2016 Esbjerg, Denmark
Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks Co-Founder 05-May-2016 Esbjerg, Denmark
Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks Co-Owner 05-May-2016 Esbjerg, Denmark
Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks Co-Founder 05-May-2016 Esbjerg, Denmark

Henrik Leth FAQs

  • Who is Henrik Leth?

    Mr. Henrik Leth serves as Chairman at Polar Seafood Denmark.

  • How much does Henrik Leth typically invest?

    Henrik Leth's median deal size is .

  • What is Henrik Leth’s main position?

    Henrik Leth’s primary position is Chairman.

  • How many active board seats does Henrik Leth hold?

    Henrik Leth holds a board seat in Polar Seafood Denmark.

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