Roderick McGillivray Overview
- Firm
- Clifford Chance
- Primary Position
Roderick McGillivray General Information
Mr. Roderick McGillivray served as a Partner at Clifford Chance. He specializes in banking, including leveraged finance, syndicated lending and corporate reconstruction. Roderick has extensive experience of the US and European markets having worked in Clifford Chance in New York from 1988 to 1996, and Clifford Chance in Paris from 1996 to 1998.
Contact Information
Roderick McGillivray FAQs
Who is Roderick McGillivray?
Mr. Roderick McGillivray served as a Partner at Clifford Chance.
How much does Roderick McGillivray typically invest?
Roderick McGillivray's median deal size is 000000.
What is Roderick McGillivray’s main position?
Roderick McGillivray’s primary position is Partner.
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