Bryan Stewart Overview

  • Company
  • Hacker Paradise

  • Primary Position
  • Chief Executive...

Bryan Stewart General Information


Mr. Bryan Stewart serves as Chief Executive Officer at Hacker Paradise. He is a Co-Founder of Outpost. He served as Director at Liberty Global Partners. He directed private equity research at the firm, as well as having responsibility for the firm's institutional investor relationships in Asia. Prior to joining the firm, he began his work in private equity with the Global Horizon Fund, an emerging markets PE fund of funds. Earlier, he worked in international development in Eastern Europe and South Asia with the Peace Corps and Winrock International. He is the ship's captain, hails from the US but now calls Canggu, Bali, home. After completing a post-grad in International Business, he built a career connecting companies in developing countries with investors. Bryan has pounded the pavement from Shanghai to Jakarta & advised a few NGOs in Eastern Europe & South Asia along the way.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Chief Executive Officer, Hacker Paradise
Grinnell College, BA (Bachelor of Arts)
  • 6 Raffles Quay
  • Suite 11-07
  • Singapore, 048580
  • Singapore

Bryan Stewart Positions (2)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Hacker Paradise Company Chief Executive Officer Singapore, Singapore Other Commercial Services
Outpost (Restaurants, Hotels and Leisure) Company Co-Founder Singapore, Singapore Other Restaurants, Hotels and Leisure

Bryan Stewart FAQs

  • Who is Bryan Stewart?

    Mr. Bryan Stewart serves as Chief Executive Officer at Hacker Paradise.

  • How much does Bryan Stewart typically invest?

    Bryan Stewart's median deal size is .

  • What is Bryan Stewart’s main position?

    Bryan Stewart’s primary position is Chief Executive Officer.

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